Steering angle sensor g85
Steering angle sensor g85

This will also trigger the Traction Control Light to illuminate on the dashboard or instrument control panel. In most cases where an issue exists with the electronic stability program, an error code is triggered and stored inside the vehicle's ECM. Noted below are a few of the common symptoms of a damaged, bad or failing steering angle sensor.

steering angle sensor g85 steering angle sensor g85

When it does break or is slowly beginning to fail, it will exhibit a few common warning signs or symptoms. However, like any other sensor, the steering angle sensor can wear out or fail completely due to multiple factors beyond the control of most vehicle owners. This component is one that is designed to last the lifespan of the vehicle. Today's steering angle sensors are digital and are comprised of an LED light that measures the angle of the steering input. In years past, this device was analog in nature, measuring the voltage changes that were created by the steering wheel and relaying that information to the vehicle's ECU. The steering angle sensor is one of the monitoring devices located near the front suspension or within the steering column. Although the names are unique, their primary function and the individual components that comprise the system are virtually identical. Each manufacturer has their own proprietary name for this advanced safety system, with some of the popular ones being: AdvanceTrac w/Roll Stability Control (RSC), Dynamic Stability and Traction Control (DSTC), and Vehicle Stability Control (VSC). The steering angle sensor is a component that makes up the electronic stability program (ESP). One of the most popular types of units on today's vehicle is known as the steering angle sensor.

steering angle sensor g85

In recent years, automotive manufacturers working with automotive safety experts like SEMA and SFI have developed advanced stability control systems that help a driver maintain control of the vehicle during evasive maneuver situations. In the past, when a driver was faced with the instant decision to make an aggressive move to avoid an accident, they had to rely on talent and a little bit of luck to keep the vehicle under control. Technology drives innovation, especially in the automotive industry.

Steering angle sensor g85